This term we have been learning all about the Longfin Eel. Our assembly item was based on the story Velvet and Elvis. This was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes.
Click here to view our Te Manga Class blog assembly post
I have created 3 different digital learning objects (DLO) to share my learning on this topic. The first is a poster that I created in my topic book about the challenges to the long fin eel. Whaea Deb took a photo of my poster.
I created a longfin eel life cycle using google drawing.
I have also made a google poster to share five interesting facts about the long fin eel.
I was nervous to read the Owls book and Whaea Sharls had to help me read the book. I had to read on the chrome book. We had to read in the library and I learnt where to find my videos and to embed the video on our blog.
I am learning to use the BANISH Boring Worde resource to help me to use more interesting words in my wrtitngk
. check out the Quality words I chose for Fast, slow and BIG
Last Tuesday we were going to Waitangi to learn new things and when we got there we saw Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monika.
Then we went up the stairs. We walked in a room called the art gallery. Then we went in the classroom and I saw colourful cushions and bean bags and I felt nervous but excited!
Caltlyn came to show us the rocks and the rocks were 700 year old. Next we went to play a game and the game was about trying to get to 50. My team was Kevin Mason T and Jai.
After that we wenton to Scratch and we made our avatrre on to Scratch and our eels and we had to put stickers on them. My sprite was me and I added it to our back ground on paint 3D.
After that we went to play on the field and when we got on the field we played a game and the game was called hare in the whare and chain tag. Next we went to see the eels then we went on the bus to go back home.